Air Handling, Water Treatment, and Plumbing Systems

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Air Handling, Water Treatment, and Plumbing Systems is about understanding air-handling systems, water systems, plumbing systems, and fire protection systems. Specifically, the chapters in this text address human comfort, ductwork, air-handling units, and indoor air quality. They also discuss the basics of water system problems, water testing, and typical treatment options. The course concludes with a discussion of the psychrometric chart.

Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Replace and/or maintain complicated HVAC systems
  • Outline procedures for water sample analysis, testing, and treatment
  • Reference guidelines when installing and monitoring pipes and valves
  • Maintain a reliable and effective fire protection system

Key topic areas:

HVAC systems air cleaning devices indoor air quality water conditioning and treatment plumbing fire protection and alarm systems

Applies to:
SMC and BEC certificates
SMA® and SMT® designations

USGBC Recommendation: 24 GBCI continuing education hours toward the LEED Credential Maintenance Program

Select an offering below to register. 

Note BOMI courses are offered throughout the country through a partnership with Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Locals. If you cannot find a course in your area, please pre-register and tell us where, when, and how you would like to take the course.      

Delivery Options: Date: Location: To Register:
Online Self-Paced N/A Online BOMI

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